PUSB is my first job, where I started fresh from technical school. I started as a Trainee Draftsmen and currently , a Senior Draftsmen. For the past six years, I have spent 4 years as a Piping Jobcarder and 2 years in Workpack Piping Design Team.
It has been a fun-filled and educational experience. I did not know what Jobcarding, Design and Offshore terms when I started. I believe through asking questions, and being open to opportunities served me to be equipped with my skills sets. Teaching others also helped in retaining the knowledge and improve understanding.
I am grateful for the experience that I had went through shaped who I am now. Without the supports, trust and faith that was given to me I will not be where I am now. Thanks to my Supervisors, Colleagues and HOD whom I respect. Looking for what is next in the coming years with PUSB, Insyallah.