Harassment Roll Out

It is important to know and acknowledge that harassment exists in the workplace all over the world and in any industry. Workplace Harassment can be of any types such as verbal, physical, psychological, visual, etc.

Workplace harassment is common however not spoken openly in most work environments. Sometimes individuals are not sure what is considered harassment at work; hence most cases go unnoticed and unreported.

At PETROKON, we do not tolerate or allow harassment and commit to foster a safe and healthy work environment for the wellbeing of our staff. Hence, we have developed and incorporated the Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination Policy into our procedures.

To increase staff’s awareness and understanding of the Policy, virtual Harassment Roll out sessions throughout the organization were conducted by respective Head of Departments. This roll out sessions also outlined the processes, roles and responsibilities of all parties in the organization, from the role of HR, Supervisor and the victim.

Additionally, posters on Harassment were put up around the office.